The only darkness that exists is ignorance. (W. Shakespeare)

Sonja Jež

Sonja Jež, Uncles from the Background, Seča, 2019

My name is Sonja and I'm 43 years old. I have been visually impaired since 2005, with 5% residual vision. I retired at the age of 28 due to my visual impairment. This sudden change opened the doors to all my artistic ambitions. At the age of 32, I moved from my home town to Nova Gorica, where I was able to realise all my ambitions, which I am still nurturing and increasing day by day. First it was painting, then dancing, then a small role on stage, I became passionate about photography, and finally I fell in love with film - directing and editing - where imagination has no limits.

Technique: photography
Size: 29 x 43 cm
Place and year of creation: Kanal sv. Jerneja, Seča, 2019
Description: In the foreground above are fishing nets in which two bunches of spoons are "trapped", top left. On the wooden slatted wall, portraits of Che Guevara, Lenin and Marx hang halfway down from left to right in different frames.
