This is the twenty-second year of the Little Symposium, the museum's educational programme. This time, the content is related to
an outstanding personality of the Slovenian nation, general, poet and amateur painter Rudolf
Maistra. The Government of the Republic of Slovenia has declared this year the Maistro Year, so Mali
Symposium 2024 is entitled Rudolf Maister: general, poet, painter.
We invite you to prepare, under your guidance, a paper to present at the Small
the symposium presented the legacy of Rudolf Maister and his contribution to the history of the fighters for
the northern border, his life and work as a general, poet and painter. Children can
explore Maistro's childhood, his poetic and painterly impulses and how he developed into a great
a personality who has etched himself in our collective consciousness.
You and your students will decide on the titles of the research tasks. The findings collected in the papers
the participating students are expected to present 10 October 2024 in the Knights' Hall
Maribor Castle.
All papers will be published in the 11th issue of the Small Publications Proceedings, which will be
will be published electronically in 2024. The Proceedings will be published biennially.
Each school may present up to three papers. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 2 October 2024.
For more information, please contact us at